Our Programs

The LA vs Hate system provides wrap around support and resources to communities across the county who have been impacted or might be impacted by hate. Our focus is to expand feelings of safety, solidarity, and acceptance by working with our partners to expand the impact of our work.

The programs on this page represent strategic initiatives undertaken by LA vs Hate in alignment with our core mission and objectives.

LA vs Hate Dream Centers

LA vs Hate identified schools across Los Angeles County where students and their families were in need of safe and inclusive spaces. Operated by Helpline Youth Counseling (HYC) and Asian Youth Center (AYC), the new Dream Centers operate for immigrants,  LGBTQ+ individuals, BIPOC individuals, English Language Learners, students enrolled in special education and all students who are looking for a safe place to make friends, improve their educational experience and learn about ways to engage with their community. These centers are funded by an allocation from the American Rescue Plan Act to theLos Angeles County Commission on Human Relations.

The eight Dream Centers currently in operation are:

1. Fedde Middle School in Hawaiian Gardens

2. Artesia High School in Lakewood

3. Norwalk High School in Norwalk

4. Inglewood High School in Inglewood

5. La Puente High School in La Puente

6. John F. Kennedy High School in Granada Hills

7. Piute Middle School in Lancaster

8. Morningside High School in Inglewood 

Click here to read one of our recent blog posts and learn more about our Dream Centers and the work being done.

Explore Justice

Explore Justice, a video series built in partnership with 211 LA in 2021, is an opportunity to challenge our own prejudices by educating ourselves on social justice topics and issues that many are still experiencing today. The video series was designed to provide youth with a comprehensive approach to unpacking and examining the current and historical perspectives that shape social justice.

The series begins with information on the key concepts of social justice followed by categories with content split into sections focused on history, the present, and Los Angeles. Alongside each video are reflection questions, next steps, and resources focused on building resilience. We invite young people to watch the Explore Justice videos with a friend, teacher or parent to be able to discuss the videos after watching.

Law Enforcement

Made possible by funding through the American Rescue Plan Act, LA vs Hate and the Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Council partnered to help law enforcement agencies understand and utilize the LA vs Hate program to support communities targeted for hate. The program focuses on working with first responders to make them aware of how important their role is in getting victims of hate crimes and hate incidents to report such acts and to make them aware of the resources available through LA vs Hate.

This awareness campaign provides informational resources specially developed for law enforcement, such as an innovative video and a brochure for victims to learn more about hate crimes and hate incidents and how to access LA vs Hate supportive services.

After viewing the video, please complete this short survey.

United Against Hate Week

LA vs Hate United Against Hate Week was created in 2017 in direct response to the rise in hate crimes and bias incidents that pose a dangerous threat to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods. Each year in November, this week of action is designed to raise awareness about the dangers of hate and the need for respect and civil discourse among all county residents and students.

Every United Against Hate Week, we see communities across LA County and California take action and join this movement by planning webinars, social media events, screenings, art projects, community dialogues, meditation gatherings and more to increase engagement and support efforts to stand up to hate. United Against Hate Week is open to all participants and we encourage you to be involved in any way that you can. If you or your organization is interested in participating please reach out via email at info@lavshate.org.